I have been involved in robotics and simulation since my sophomore year of my undergraduate career in 2016, and that is exactly where my passions lie. I found this passion when I enrolled into a robotics course. This course was taught by Dr. Evan Drumwright under whom I eventually researched, producing a publication from the work. I then continued my interests in my senior design project, developing a modular robotic platform intended for autonomous biological life observation. I also worked at Open Robotics primarily on their robotic simulator Ignition Gazebo.
I'm also spending free time working through Northwestern University's Coursera robotics specialization.
The following work was a result of a research position I took in the summer of 2016. I worked alongside Samuel Zapolsky under Dr. Evan Drumwright proving faster and more numerically stable methods of inverse dynamics. This work was presented in The George Washington University 2017 Research and Development Showcase and obtained a finalist ribbon out of over 150 other research projects. The publication of this research can be found here.
Senior Project
The following videos display the proof of concept of BRIEF, the biological robotic imaging experimentation framework. This framework was developed by me and another classmate. The intent of this project was to produce an autonomous observation table on which one could place an object (in our case, biological life such as plants) and leave for observation. A Kinect camera swivels around the table, taking an image. If the image proves to be insufficient (obstructed view), the robotic arm anchored to the table will adjust the plant accordingly. This project was developed on robotics platforms such as RViz, ROS, and Gazebo, programmed in C++. The ROS package can be found on my Github here.
Independent Work
I have recently been working through Northwestern University's Robotics Specialization. I have so far completed the first (Foundations of Robot Motion), second (Robot Kinematics), and third (Robot Dynamics) courses.